An Energy Session

Although Reiki is at the core of each work session, I bring information from differing modalities offering my own unique blend of energy work. For instance, I may rely on shamanic techniques to do some general clearing of denser energies.  Working with Jonathan Goldman of the Essential Light Institute has taught me a unique way of visioning each individual energy system allowing me to see and remove blockages. My training with Michelle Anderson of Master Alignment has given me insight to past life influences on a current situation. With your permission, I may include crystal energy and/or aroma therapy.  An individual Reiki treatment can feel like a wonderful glowing radiance of energy that flows everywhere in the body.  It treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects. It can produce an experience of deep relaxation, feelings of peace, security and well-being throughout. Many have reported miraculous results.

"Working with Pam is magical. First, there is her calm kindness that puts you at ease. Then there is her careful listening. Third is her wide range of skills and savvy that she seamlessly blends just for you, helping you gather strength, get out of your own way, and allow your highest self to heal you right along with her."   ........Beth

"For a person like myself who experiences sudden and huge shifts, a good shaman is heaven sent. As with any healing relationship, the bond and access grows deeper each time."   ........Victoria

"Pam is this calm and solid presence who will carry you very deep within. She blends a wide range of modalities with such mastery that she makes it feel so simple and easy. But don't be fooled by the appearance.  She is a true master, with a level of humility rarely found at that level. I trust Pam completely and won't hesitate to send her anyone in need."........Beatrice

A Tarot Reading

I am an experienced Tarot card reader who uses symbols to help focus on a particular issue, problem or question about the current direction of your life.  Working in archetypal symbols, it is my belief that my guidance will work with you to bring forth a potential solution to a problem or a new direction in your life given the current circumstances. The reading often involves an ongoing discussion using the cards for guidance and direction.  The resulting consultation will assist you to make a conscious change in life direction, look at possibilities for potential outcomes or affirm the choices you are currently making.

Fee for Service   Energy session: $70 
                  Tarot Card Reading: $30
                  Sliding scale available

Phone: 304-258-0256 (home)
       304-676-0938 (cell)

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